September 16, 2013
Dealing with Codecs (Windows)
As of today, this blog is now completely about absolutely nothing amazing except stuff I want to remember pertaining to whatever I want. You can make use of the information however you please.
So, linux doesn’t have a problem with codecs because everything in linux just ends up fairing better eventually and for the most part, if you install mpv or mplayer2, you have no reason to give a shit about the rest in linux. Windows on the other hand requires some work in order for things to be nice.
My rules for dealing with codecs Rule 01: Codec packs can possibly be outdated in what they include within the pack, so check what shit is inside before blindly installing. Rule 02: Uninstall ALL codec stuffs before installing a codec pack or vice versa (ie. haali, xy-vsfilter, lav filters, etc.) Rule 03: There are three generally main-stream codec packs that you can use: K-lite, CCCP, or KCP. Rule 04: Completely disregard rule three because all codec packs aside from KCP should never be used. Rule 05: Tinker with the settings for everything because not everything on default is perfect.
KCP is the Kawaii Codec Pack and it’s up on As for the reasoning behind why you should always go with the kawaii codec pack, you are an anime lover…they are anime lovers…you give a shit about how things are displayed on your screen…they give a shit about how things are displayed on their screen. In other words, a fellow anime lover is providing you a package that can improve your visual and auditory experience, so just use it because you sure as hell probably don’t know as much on the subject as them.
In a CCCP versus KCP battle, there isn’t a spectacular amount of difference since both are codec packs, it just matters if the included codecs are up-to-date or not. CCCP is kind of slower at updating than KCP and doesn’t include madVR or ReClock. It’s kind of preference if both are updated, but IMO KCP is better because it has Haruhi.