Welcome to the weeaboository!
This website is dedicated towards the betterment of mankind in the form of not completely legal content meant to provide both eye-candy and satisfaction to the fellow anime otaku. The projects primarily consist of themed content made available for the linux desktop, but also span to cover other areas based on whim. Please note that at times, there WILL be temporary files on the github that are taken from other sources to be used as placeholders and templates.
As one would expect from the part of the site labeled “Blog”, it’s a blog that will be updated with a new post roughly monthly about various things.
Backstory: Once upon a time, a certain person thought it would be a good idea to put up some projects on github so he wouldn’t accidentally forget and wipe them off the face of the planet. Thus he built himself a secret laboratory open for the world to see, filled with fabulous toys obtained through scouring the internet and tweaked to his liking. This was a bad idea.
– Jurassicplayer