If I Used Firefox

So I somewhat follow the Linux Action Show because at some point I started following it as a convenient source for possibly important linux news, but that is completely besides the point. I’m only bringing that up because they are having a firefox challenge sort of thing where they try to live in Firefox for a week. Today’s post is just a what-if situation where I would have to use firefox. Granted, there are probably tons of people who use firefox without a problem…so I’m ignoring those people.

Firefox itself doesn’t really surprise me or anything, it’s just a simple web browser with the normal features that I’d expect. Rather, I went exploring for some extensions and userscripts to make everything cooler for the generic me. Most of the stuff I came across were extremely limited and so the list was wonderfully short.


  • Adblock Plus: Well this one was a given. Obvious reasons are obvious.
  • Ank Pixiv Tool: A rather nice one-click button that you can use to download pixiv images, though it doesn’t exactly click together with the userscripts I also found and thought worked well. For the unenhanced pixiv experience though, this makes downloads simpler, even if only by a smidgen.
  • Download Status Bar: This really isn’t something needed or anything, but I’m a chrome/chromium user…I’m used to it.
  • DuckDuckGo Plus: For a more private search…though if you are really gunning for privacy, you need a combination of things rather than just a search engine that doesn’t save searches. On the other hand, !bangs are great if you remember to use them.
  • FireGestures: A convenience thing so I’m not dragging my mouse all over the scre- OH WAIT…
  • Greasemonkey: The gateway to userscripts. It’s definitely a requirement for any and all userscripts.
  • PDF Viewer: It’s a jealousy thing. Chrome has it, so Firefox should too.
  • SoundCloud Downloader - Technowise: On the rare occasion…some things just HAVE to be in my possession.
  • TinEye Reverse Image Search: Sometimes it’s just too much effort to use Google’s image search when this extension has a right click context menu option.


  • Get Random Anime: It adds a link to the top of any myanimelist anime list and returns a random anime that isn’t on said list. It’s uses are limited, but at least it could waste some time if need be.
  • Pixiv++: Adds some rather nifty features that make browsing Pixiv even more unbearably hard to stop.
  • Manga OnlineViewer: Honestly this reminds me of android manga readers. It has the standard load all pages in one page, but it also has a great toggle-able thumbnail filmstrip on the bottom to jump to any page in the chapter.
  • Manga Loader: If Manga OnlineViewer were considered feature-full, Manga Loader would be the opposite spectrum and be next to feature-less. It loads up the pictures in a no-frills page, with a little more speed than the previous one does.

Unfortunately, there really isn’t very many anime/manga related userscripts or extensions. Of course, everything should have equivalents in Chrome, though AllMangasReader is still by far the best way I have found to manage my manga. Some things that were skipped were Rikaichan and NyaaTorrents Search. I don’t have a real reason for skipping them aside from just not really using them personally.