October 23, 2013
Revisiting Video Players
So a little over a month ago, I made a wonderful post about video players and the like. Funnily enough, after shuffling around the internet I happened to end up finding a video player that is perfect for windows. By perfect, I mean it’s just a build of mpv for windows. From what I can tell, the build works about the same as it does on linux, but of course instead of just direct build of mpv, there is a front-end that you could use instead…
It’s called Baka-MPlayer and although the interface is somewhat lacking, it’s not like I usually watch my anime without it being in fullscreen anyways. All of the dead basic stuff are included, so sub tracks, chapters, hi10, etc. all supposedly work. Resource-wise, it’s less hungry than my installation of MPC-HC (usually 15% of my cpu and ~300MB of memory), though for all I know, it could be due to the filters and stuff I have. The mpv player takes around 130MB of memory and 4~8% of my cpu with the baka mplayer front-end taking another 50MB, adding up to a little over half of the resources used by MPC-HC. It also has some strange other features that I have never seen in a video player before…like having microsoft Sam/Samantha say the ID3 tag title, and voice recognition of all things.
So pretty much, you could say “Baka Pause” while doing other stuff, or any of the other voice commands without actually needing to do anything to the player. It’s hilarious for all of a couple minutes that you can further extend for another minute since you can actually customize the call name for the program (“Baka”) to anything you want…cough “imouto” cough. Also, since it’s a build of mpv, the idea is that your viewing experience would be just as badass as it would be on linux.
Anyways, it mega-simple to get running and doesn’t require any sort of mucking around with filters and codecs, thus instead of MPC-HC, this video player now gets the top position in my book as the go-to video player for my anime needs. The website and github for the project are below: