The PSP Plugins

PSP plugins are wonderfully hard to come by now that the golden age of the PSP scene has passed and so finding the latest versions of things require a bit of hunting. This list will just be the plugins I happen to think are rather convenient and for the most part, play nicely with each other.

Just a PRX:

  • Hold+ v4.0: A number of features when the PSP is on hold (reduce power consumption, allow button presses after holding SELECT), adds faster music player scrolling, and a 5th brightness level.
  • NoUMD 6.XX: Simply disables the UMD. Saves some power and it’s not like I use the UMD slot.
  • pprefs lite v1.031 (or pprefs v1.131): A handy plugin for managing your plugins in the XMB menu by pressing HOME.
  • resource_block: Stops games from making images and frills when they make their saves (saves space).
  • PspEtext v1.1: A nice in-game txt reader (hold L+R+X+Down to open, Select for usage) that has a forced 80 character width (for gamefaq FAQs).

PRX and More:

  • Bright3 v0.02: A modified version of Bright 3 which allows you to set any number of brightness levels and their corresponding luminescence.
  • Dayviewer v7: Not one I use because of my theme, but it allows for configuring the info shown on the XMB date string.
  • Macrofire v3.2.9: Allows for configuring/reassigning/adjusting the buttons and joystick to how you want. Comes with an in-game menu too which I prefer.
  • pTextViewer: Another in-game txt viewer. This one doesn’t have a 80 character width, so it’s somewhat annoying, but sometimes text viewer plugins fail to run with certain games.
  • StxtEditor: A txt/cfg/ini editor that can be used to view/edit text. It’s not amazing, but meh.
  • Joysens v1.5: Another config/reassign/adjust buttons and joystick. Seems like the default that people use.
  • GameCategories lite v1.6: For organizing those emulators, games, and homebrew.
  • Custom Firmware Extender v3.1: An ugly menu that allows for on-the-fly CPU speed and screen brightness changes, screen capture, remotejoy, usb mode, loading homebrew/isos over usb, listen to music, etc. It’s ugly, but it has a sink of functions.
  • CustomHOME v1.3.7: Changes the in-game HOME menu to one that is customizable and more useful.
  • CXMB 6.XX: You need it for those really nice custom XMB themes.
  • PRXShot v0.4.0 Mod: The modded version is a little more convenient, but this is a screenshot plugin.
  • SystemMenu Mod (Jan-21-2015 build): Makes the VSH menu all pretty instead of the terminal text on background color.
  • TempAR: A cheat engine. You shouldn’t ever need it, but it’s there if you do.
  • XMBCtrl v1.5.5: Changes the normal system settings to amazing system settings where you can set your cfw stuff as well, like CPU speeds, iso loader, etc.
  • PSPStates Menu (Pict Mod) v0.6: Only for the fancy PSPs (2000+), but allows for savestates on PSP games.
  • Popsloader v4g: The latest and greatest of PSX on PSP video gaming compatibility.
  • Pops_Bridge: It’s required for ME/LME users in order to get Popsloader to work.