Torrent Clients

There are a ton of torrent clients, but we are going to simplify that list here. They may agree with your tastes, or there may be a torrent client that I didn’t talk about. This is because I’m not going to go around testing all the torrent clients just to tell you that I like how a certain one looks because that is a waste of time.

So a long time ago, there used to be a torrent client called limewire which was forked to a new client called frostwire…both of them are now held nowhere near their old regard and nobody cares about them, and neither do I. Vuze used to be called Azureus and is terrible. It installs random crap and is annoying with stuff that I really could care less about. Thus we will visit BitTorrent and uTorrent. These two are the same program except for their color and icon (literally) and so there is no point in discerning the two, both suck and now have random bullshit that nobody cares about clogging the interface.

Now for the ones that are nice enough in my opinion that serve well enough and are fairly light (unlike Vuze which is like a fucking brick). Transmission, Deluge, rTorrent, and qBittorrent are all rather decent and light torrent clients that all serve their purpose without any extras attached. As an added plus, only Transmission doesn’t have an official Windows client, while the rest are multi-platform. These can also be automated to make your life easier, which leads us to the next topic that will eventually arrive, “Automating your Torrent Client”. Due to me being lazy though, that isn’t going to happen in this post, and possibly not until maybe even a couple posts from now.